Any car culture enthusiast hears that word and gets flashed back. Flashed back to the days of Group B and Walter Röhrl, anyone thinks of the savagery of driving from point A to point B in the quickest time possible.
A more subtle interpretation of the word also involves car enthusiasts and is loved by them equally, if not just as much.
You see, what The Barn Miami did was use the term "rally" to get a bunch of automotive enthusiasts including myself to go from point A to point B all together, minus the dead flies on side windows and speeding...mostly.
On behalf of The Barn Miami, 24 lucky readers like you were able to go to The Revs Institute in a caravan to see some of the most pivotal cars in the history of the industry.
What is The Revs Institute?
A collection; a personal collection of Mr. Collier, owner of Collier County, Florida.
It was carefully pieced together by some of the most dedicated automotive historians in the industry to gather as many cars under one roof as possible to educate and amaze visitors with the most important vehicles throughout history.
Having left me and the 24 lucky guests in shock and awe, I was lucky enough to take pictures of the vehicles on display thanks to The Barn Miami's invitation.