In the world of collecting Jaguars, there is one trio of cars that is a staple for all British car collectors...
The Jaguar E Type Series 1 is said to be one of the most beautifully designed cars ever made as per Enzo Ferrari. For that statement to come out of that man's mouth, it must be stellar and stellar it is!
Although there are three variants of the Jaguar E Type, they're all loved by everyone around the world, some more than others. Which is why when talking about the Jaguar E Type 2+2, it isn't too far off to say that it is the least attractive of the three variants (coupe, convertible, and 2+2), but hey...its still an E Type.
It's almost like the Kardashians, most people hate them because they're useless and do no good to society, but they're famous and known everywhere and everyone kind of wishes they could be them. So although the 2+2 is no Kim or Kourtney, its still a Kardashian baby and you still want it.
Watch our video on the car below!